Wilder’s The Alcestiad - A Forum on March 6

On one level, my play recounts the life of a woman–of many women–from bewildered bride to sorely tested wife to overburdened old age. On another level it is a wildly romantic story of gods and men, of death and hell and resurrection, of great loves and great trials, of usurpation and revenge. On another level, however, it is a comedy about a very serious matter.

On Friday, March 6 at Fordham University’s Lincoln Center Campus, join The Thornton Wilder Society at 6:30pm for a FREE forum on Wilder’s The Alcestiad.

The evening will feature readings from The Alcestiad by Magis Theatre Company Members followed by a panel discussion. Panelists include: George Drance, S.J. (Fordham University and Magis Theatre Company Artistic Director), Elizabeth Scharffenberger (Columbia University), and Jerise Fogel (Montclair State University). The panel was curated by Mary English, Thornton Wilder Society Board Chair

This event is co-sponsored by the Dean's Office of Fordham College at Lincoln Center, the Fordham Theatre Program, and the Fordham Department of Classics.

A Forum on Thornton Wilder’s Alcestiad anticipates Magis Theatre Company's full production of the play at New York City's Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park this June.

A Forum on Thornton Wilder’s The Alcestiad 
FridayMarch 6, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. 
Fordham College at Lincoln Center 

113 West 60th St. (NW corner of 60th St. & Columbus Avenue)
Lowenstein 12th Floor Lounge 

This event is free and open to the public. 

Amanda Woods